Friday, September 27, 2013

Scientific Observations

Pentucket High School
September 25,2013

  • Solid
  • Green/blue color
  • Fragile  
  • Thick Bottle
  • Dangourous
  • thin
  • looks like crystals
  • small
  • soft
  • clumpy
  • turned green
  • the chemical sunk
  • some of it was floating
  • turned a light blue when it was stired
  • turned black when tin foil was added to it
  • fizzled
  • bubbles rose
  • tin foil turned red in cooper chloride
  • peices of thetin foil came off
  • tin foil fuzzzed
  • breackable
  • flexible
  • cooper chloride turned gray
Water temp before cooper chloride was added: 20 degrees
The cooper chloride stayed over nite and went back to a blue color beacause the tin foil desinagrated.
The tin foil disappered and now on the bottom in the beacker it looks like sand (tin foil) copper seperated from the chlorine. The bootom is a brown, blue, and  also teh color purpleis on the bottom.
The chlorine then went through the paper and the sand did not it stuck to the paper. And it turned purple and hardened to the paper.
When we put the other chemical in with the sand and chlorine after seperating them.The cooper cloride turned white then blue then green. The sand seemed to fizzle to the top in little air bubbles. Like when you put eater egg colorings into water and tehy fizzele is disinagrat.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Oreo Cookie Lab

Oreo Cookie Lab
Brianna ,Pentucket HS
September 16, 2013
  1. We measured Oreo fillings of different cookies. (regular, double-stuf, and mega-stuf) to determine if the filling amounts matched advertising. 
  2. Hypothesis = I think that the fluff will be doubled because from looking at the cookie it looks like there is more stuffing in it.


  • Take the top off the cookie
  • Weigh the top (regular)
  • Weigh the regular cookie all together
  • Subtract the top weight (*2)  from fluff
  • Take original Weight from bottom/top of cookie and subtract it


Double- Stuf

Mega- Stuf

We concluded that there is more than half fillings of fluf in the oreos.

Friday, September 13, 2013

What I learned about density

 What I learned about density is,
that even the heaviest object can float if the density is lower than one. In a experiment we did we mesured if a bowling ball would sink or float one floated and the others sank because there density was higher than water. When we did the gummy bear lab we were seeing what would happen if we left them in water over night they sank because the density was higher tahn one.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Why did I take Phyical Science

Brianna Heaphy

September 6, 2013

Why did you want to take this course?

To learn about more of the ocean like water and the sounds on the ocean. And to try something new and change from Biology I feel this will be different.

What do you hope to gain from the course?

A better understanding of life, and environment around us. And to pass the class and try and not fail any tests.

Physical Science is important because everyone lives science everyday. Its important because without it our food and drinks would not be edible or drinkable. Science helps us learn about our world and our animals, environment and our plants. We would never know what we know today without it.