Thursday, October 30, 2014

Where Does Sand Come From

How does sand come from?
Sand comes from rocks, when they break down. In some places the sand can come from pieces of the road that have been broken off and turned to small particles. But in most places sand comes from crust from the ocean floor and shells that have been broken to create small little pieces like a grain of sand. Hawaii's beautiful white sand is made from Parrot fish poop, how interesting and gross. 

How are beaches formed?
Beaches are formed by ocean crust coming up form the water, and rock breakdown.
Rocks after millions of years will break down and turn into small particles called sand. 

What can you learn about an area by looking at sand?

If you look at sand around the world you can notice that it can be different colors. In warm areas like a dessert the sand is sorta orange because there is not minerals its just really dry. Where we live all the sand is just like a cream color because it comes from the sea and that is ocean crust, wind and water erosion created the desert sand.


Ocean City, MD


Cranes Beach (Ipswich) 

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