Pentucket High School
October 7, 2013
Where do elements come from?
Where did all the elements of the universe come from?
* Hydrogen, oxygen, and Helium
* They come from stars that explode. Combinations of the stars gasses created elements.
How did the universe form?
* Around all young suns, young stars, all combine, swirl around, the energy of the stars stirs them around, they first form particles, then that forms snowflakes, that formed little dust pieces which then forms rocks, which forms asteroids then eventually the asteroids turned into planets and moons.
How do I know/understand matter and what I know/understand about matter?
* Because earth is made from lava rock, magma and lots of elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, and H2O. Matter occupies space it’s a combination of mass and an object that takes up space.
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