How so the interactions between the sun,atmosphere, and water create environmental conditions in the ocean?
Interactions of the sun, atmosphere , and the water create environmental conditions in the water. The atmosphere consists of a stratosphere, thermosphere, trosphere and the mesosphere.The thermosphere is the top layer of the atmosphere, the metosphere and the stratosphere are the middle layers and the troposhere is the lowest layer and it extends from the bottom of the earth. Inside the layers there are many diffent gasses they is oxygen, nitrogen, argon, carbon, and other gasses that hold our planet together. The sun effects the oceans because. The suns rays reflect off of the ocean and the thermosphere. The thermosphere consumes 50% of the suns rays, while the rest is left in the atmosphere. The ocean also consumes the sun rays heating the water. The cycle is a circulation in the from the atmosphere to the clouds and the ocean. The heat that enters the ocean is brought through the by the Gulf Stream, this brings warm water to diffrent parts of the ocean. Pressure is then put on the salt and fresh water creating mixture and currents and waves these are called mouths where salt and fresh water mix. The ocean convayere belt is when salt is carried to parts of the ocean to places that are missing the salt that need it. The polar eastelies winds push downward in the ocean well the polor front winds push back at the eastelies winds. The other winds are called westline winds and they are found between 30 degrees and 60 degrees lattitude toward the poles. When the winds collide its called a gyre. Every ocean has a grye but they are diffrent because the winds directions are diffrent. Many of the currents in the oceans are created by the grye effect. Geostophic currents also create the ocean currents becasue of the earths rotation. Overall the ocean is effected by the sun the atmosphere and the water itself. The oceans are most effected by the earths roatation more than anything else the movement creates winds cretaing the currents and everything else. The suns rays and the atmosphere all work together to make our oceans the way they are.